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Welcome to the KungFu-Schule Berlin e.V.

  • We are a women, lesbian, trans, inter-open organisation with feminist perspectives on sport, martial arts and social issues.
  • At the moment Mascha Rohner (mainly), Uli Ertl, Mer, Therese Koppe, Andrea Pfütze, Dana Lorenz are teaching. We try to speak in a gender-neutral way. Mascha Rohner (überwiegend), Uli ErtlMercedes PovedanoTherese Koppe. Wir versuchen, geschlechtsneutral zu sprechen.
  • Several languages are spoken in the group (German, Brazilian, English, French, Greek, Polish, Spanish). Each of the trainers can teach in several languages and also provide supportive translation from the group.
  • The trainees are currently between 15 and 56 years old.
  • The halls in which we currently train are wheelchair accessible.
  • People with physical limitations (temporary or permanent) are very welcome to train with us. We look together at what the trainer and you can do and embark on a learning process together.