Welcome to the KungFu-Schule Berlin e.V.
- We are a women, lesbian, trans, inter-open organisation with feminist perspectives on sport, martial arts and social issues.
- At the moment Mascha Rohner (mainly), Uli Ertl, Mer, Therese Koppe, Andrea Pfütze, Dana Lorenz are teaching. We try to speak in a gender-neutral way. Mascha Rohner (überwiegend), Uli Ertl, Mer, Ana, Andrea Pfütze, Dana Lorenz. Wir versuchen, geschlechtsneutral zu sprechen.
Several languages are spoken in the group (German, Brazilian, English, French, Greek, Polish, Spanish). Each of the trainers can teach in several languages and also provide supportive translation from the group.
- The trainees are currently between 15 and 56 years old.
- The halls in which we currently train are wheelchair accessible.
- People with physical limitations (temporary or permanent) are very welcome to train with us. We look together at what the trainer and you can do and embark on a learning process together.
Get a taste of KungFu in March
Monday 10th - 31st from 7.15 to 9 pm
at Schatzinsel, May-Ayim-Ufer 4, Kreuzberg
If you are interested write to: info@mantis-kungfu-berlin.deinfo@mantis-kungfu-berlin.de
Every Monday at 19.15 at Circus Schatzinsel, May-Ayim-Ufer 4, 10997 Berlin
Projekt: Selbstverteidigung als Strategie im Umgang mit alltäglichen Rassismus-Erfahrungen
Initiative: Zeichen setzen gegen strukturellen Rassismus
Initiatorin: Marly Borges
About the style
The mantis style of the Hsiang family (Hsiang Chia T'ong Long Pai) is a traditional kung fu style rich in hand and weapon forms. The nimble, manoeuvrable foot techniques of the monkey are combined with the uncompromising hand techniques of the praying mantis. The style is fast, flowing and precise.
In addition to the typical forms of the praying mantis, Hsiang Chia includes the zodiac with one form each: Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake and Dragon. Some forms from the Shaolin, Lo Hon and Plum Blossom styles have been integrated into the Hsiang Chia. Hsiang Chia is in the tradition of WuDang.
The style replaces superfluous movements such as the lunge with short techniques that are applied without a strike and whose effect unfolds inside the body that is hit. In Hsiang Chia, we practise full-body movements and the use of gravity. In combat, we face the opponent and favour a close distance.
Weapons training begins with the long pole and includes the traditional short, medium and long weapons.
The style emphasises:
Whole body movements
Spatial control
The perception and utilisation of gravity in controlled combat situations
The eldest representative of Hsiang Chia Tong Long Pai in Germany is Sifu Friedhelm Tippner. Friedhelm Tippner.

Sundays: Free training in the Urbanstraße gym
All levels of experience
Latest news
Combat training with Birgit Tönnies
Wann: 01. Dezember 2024, 13.45 - 16.30 Uhr. Wo: Urbanhalle, Urbanstr. 166, Kreuzberg Für wen: alle Erfahrungsstufen in unserer Schule Thema: Seitlich rausgehen, Timing, Distanz
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Seminar zu den Prinzipien der 5 Tiere Kranich, Tiger, Drache, Schlange und Leopard sowie der stilprägenden Mantis mit Sifu Friedhelm Tippner in Köln
Liebe Kämpfer*innen im Zeichen der Mantis, das leider letzte Seminar, das unser Lehrer Friedhelm Tippner geben wird, rückt näher, und wir freuen uns, dass er die Schatzkiste unseres Stils „Hsiang Chia Song Long Pai“ noch einmal weit für uns aufmachen...
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SEMINAR: Prinzipien des Leoparden mit Friedhelm Tippner
Friedhelm kommt zum letzten Mal nach Berlin. Es ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit hier mit ihm aus seinem Wissensschatz zu lernen – diesmal zur Bewegungsqualität des Leoparden. Lasst euch das nicht entgehen! WANN: 8.-9. Juni 2024 Samstag, 8.6. 10-14 Uhr Training...
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Frauen Kung Fu Schule Köln e.V - Praying mantis style of the Hsiang family
Simone Koch - Dae Mahng e.V. Bonn
Li Schlüter - Kung Fu To´A
Mittelpunkt Bonn - Tai Chi, Qigong, Pilates, spinal training
Lowkick-Berlin - Association for martial arts and self-defence for women and girls
DAOzentrum Berlin - a school for Tai Chi Chuan in the Ma Tsun Kuen style and Daoist Qi Gong
Preddoehl International e.V - Centre for Health, Violence Prevention and Personal Development
Arruda - The collectively organised seminar house
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